
As Torres de Romander (O Não-Mago)

Colecção ARGONAUTA GIGANTE número 25

Um autor holandês - o que é de assinalar já que o número 23 da mesma colecção foi o título "O Último Desejo" do autor polaco Andrzej Sapkowski.

Encontrei esta referência no Site do editor Inglês:

Maryson is a Dutch fantasy writer, the well-established author of eleven novels (including the Unmagician series) and a number of short stories, which have been published in nine different languages. As well as writing he undertakes master classes and workshops on writing.

He is presently working on the second novel in the Great Legend series, three short stories, and 'Maryson' (the band in which he features as a songwriter and keyboardist) are about to create their third album.

He won the Elf Fantasy Award for the best fantasy novel of 2004, elected by the readers of Elf Fantasy Magazine, for The Lord of the Depths, the third Unmagician novel, beating out Robin Hobb and Raymond Feist.